RegEx - 30 Minutes tutorial
The reality is that regular expressions aren't as complex as they look. The best
way to learn is to start writing and experimenting.
The reality is that regular expressions aren't as complex as they look. The best
way to learn is to start writing and experimenting.
They're just as happy to not see you as you are to not have to see them.
Read the full article here (click)If you're developing an object-oriented application that requires a
relational database, you'll need to develop persistence objects that are modeled
against your database design and know how to interact with different tables in
the database. You can either develop these objects by hand or use an O/R mapping
tool to map and generate them quickly. Hopefully, after reading this article,
you'll be convinced that developing by hand is a bad idea in most
Many companies are being forced to pull talented people from other companies...
They're luring them in with better salaries and the age-old attraction for tech
professionals -- the opportunity to work on the latest technologies or
high-impact projects
Opinion: SQL Server 2005 is a significant release, but from a business
standpoint there is no need to rush to it.
Search engines based on “hits count” and “ratings” had a great impact on almost everything goes on in IT these days. Most of the comments related to search engines are positive, but as we can see from this article there can be downsides.
Even if you are the author of some article, some other website that quotes that article can show up as the first result when using search...
They want people with not only specific skills, but specific
experiences.''The more specific you get, the smaller and smaller the pool is of people you
want to interview,'' says Foote. ''In the old days, they'd say they want five
years of Oracle and some Web services experience. When you say you want that
experience applied in the financial services industry, the smaller the pool of
people who can fill that need. That's when it starts becoming a supply issue.''
Opinion: Successful systems add new function to processes that users
already understand.
About six or seven revisions later, I began to wonder if the brochure would ever"
be finished. I learned my lesson early, so when I began developing Websites, I
clearly stipulated the number of revisions and haven't had a problem since.