IT Readings Log   

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Google launching new tool: `Docs`

As estimated and talked about for the past year or so.. Google is aiming towards the online office. They launched a great tool: Spreadsheets and they received great reviews on that, so why not an Editor online that will look like MS Word, act like it, save MS Word files, save them on your HDD or save them online, etc..

Cool feature: share documents or create documents by inviting more users to contribute with content.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Firefox 2.0 RC2 Is a Step … Backward?

Review: eWEEK Labs was disappointed to find that a couple of well-liked search and cookie options have been changed in RC2

IE 7 seems disapointing, too. Hei.. what's wrong with the browser war? Competition should make things better not worse.

Read the full article here

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Cool .NET links provided by site point.

They talk about the cool ATLAS.NET Microsoft AJAX Framework and other news / tutorials. Worth browsing.

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Pretty long vacation ... 4 months of absence. Let me see if I can cover that up.

Here are some quick links:

  • Google buys YouTube

  • Outsourcing vs. Establishing Captive Facilities Offshore

  • When setting up an offshore corporation, you better:
    - Keep a team of American trainers on the ground at all times.
    - Develop local managers -- particularly women managers.
    - Achieve quality first, on a small scale, before scaling up and emphasizing quantity.

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