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Friday, May 13, 2005

Projects vs. Products

My company is going through a Product Development phase even if it is mainly a Project Development Oriented Company. For the ones that don't make a difference between terms: products are developed for a large area of clients, representing an internal analysis / concept / design and development effort and will be market differently than a project which is usually built for one or only a few customers, fitting exactly their needs, without too many customizable options and totally owned by the customers.

Handling Products is different than handling Projects, and my opinion is that handling products is more difficult but also more challenging and interesting than handling projects. It is not enough to be challenging, but it HAS TO SELL. If the customer, in case of projects, is already there and knows exactly whan and when will get, the customer in case of products is not there and you have to guess what is the best thing you can offer to attract that customer. It is a simple gamble if you don’t take it serious. Here are some very simple thoughts:


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