IT Readings Log   

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Two kinds of AJAX: HTML++ vs Client / SOA

Before all this AJAX thing to boom all over IT websites, there were several concepts similar to it. I saw quite a few websites that were avoiding page refresh and were handling the interface and usability in such a smart way that it was finally producing the same effect AJAX has these days.

At the beginning there were hidden frames that were doing the job of going back and forth to the server to get pieces of data or submit information and the main frame was not refreshing. After a while they started to use IFrames and built JavaScript Classes to generate IFrames and handle the communication to the server.

What was it that made AJAX so popular when we already had similar techniques?
- It was a good time for giving a NAME to these techniques and improve them
- It made things simple and easy to use
- Products using this technique made a difference on the net


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