IT Readings Log   

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Google Web Toolkit

Everybody is going AJAX. That is ok, I like that. Everybody is building their own AJAX framework. That is not really ok, they rather contribute to an open-source project so we have one big and happy framework...

Anyway they give away sources and documentation, why split the effort?

Here it is something interesting about Google's AJAX Framework... or should I say JAVA ?

In short, you write, test and debug your client-side code in Java and then use a specialized compiler to convert it all into cross-browser JavaScript for use on your site.

Read the entire article here.

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Term of the Week: Obfuscate

Good article about obfuscation.

Find out what that is and some general ideas and "lessons learned".

Read the entire article here.

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Write Java Web Apps in Visual Basic (or JavaScript!)

Why would you do that? (Write Java Web Apps in Visual Basic (or JavaScript!))

Because you know only VB and you are forced by some Customer Environment to write an application that has to work on Linux?
Because you already have a VB application but you have to change the Operating System since MS Windows is no lonter affordable or accepted by your corporation?
Because you can do it now?
Just for the fun of it?

Read the full article here.

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Friday, May 19, 2006

Sun: Open source Java not whether but how

Sun's Java goes open source.

Read full article here.

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SQL Injection Attacks by Example

Again about the SQL Injection and security issues. Well documented and full of samples:

Read the entire article here.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Taking Charge of Your Destiny

The title is unappropriate and makes me think it is an article about religion or something close to that.

It is not. It is something very close to my activity and thoughs I had today. Here's a quote:

Apparently, for many people, it is OK not to succeed as long as there is a good reason for failing.

Short article, so take 2 minutes and read it.

Read the entire article here.

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Yahoo's Home Page Gets a Facelift

Just the news.

New yahoo pages represents a major change. Yahoo is great as a tool and huge as a website and services but it was always ugly and behind with web tehnology. It always gave me the impression that it does change only when it is forced to change by competition and it always happens late.

Read the entire article here.

See the new yahoo.

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Monday, May 15, 2006

XMLHttp Requests for Ajax

About AJAX again, sample code and some details. Nothing actually new, just detailed and worth mentioning.

Read the entire article here.

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LINQ Into Microsoft's New Query Capabilities

Writting SQL queries directly in C# code. I mentioned this in an article before -> cool stuff. Why did it take so long to come up with it anyway?

So if you have in VB something like:
Dim names As String() = {"Markus", "Ellen", "Franz", "Erna" }

Then you can do something like:
Select name From name in names

Read the entire article here.

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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Fast Text Processing in SQL Server

Working with text, especially with big text in SQL server is a pain. There are ways to handle it but they always get too dificult when it is about real text processing.

The following article is addressing some of these problems, without making it simple, though...

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F # Programming Language ??? (F Sharp)

Hei, read about "Super Computer" = a way of using computing power from a bunch of computers connected to a network.

And read about the super-language to allow that: F#, Microsoft F# of course:

F# (say F Sharp) is a .NET meta-programming language developed by the Programming Principles and Tools Group at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, the same group that brought us .NET Generics.

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.NET Gotchas

This is my favourite type of articles: "gotchas". They are written in a funny manner most of the times, they are short and smart and they contain sample code.

And they always teach you something very usefull.

Here's a gotcha about structures in .NET

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Wonders of the OUTPUT Clause in SQL Server 2005

MS SQL Server developpers - here's something you should not miss: "Wonders of the OUTPUT Clause in SQL Server 2005"

The OUTPUT Clause will allow the user to see what was inserted, updates or deleted by the current SQL statement without additional code. Let's see...

The user would be very happy. It would let him check whether or not he has provided the proper values. Showing the results is a long-anticipated feature, and it is now available through the OUTPUT clause in SQL Server 2005.

Read the full article here.

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Friday, May 12, 2006

Views and More in MySQL 5.0

Sample code, benefits and details about views and some pre-defined functions in MySQL.

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Rocky Shoals of Ajax Development

Here's a list of AJAX defects / issues. If you are into AJAX development this is very useful.

Read full article here.

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Google Hounded by Click Fraud Concerns


Google not accurate in counting clicks?

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Some Gooogle related stuff

Complex Computed Columns

You can have computed columns in SQL Server. This means you can create an user - defined function in SQL then you can create a column that will store data of that defined type. If you define a function that does A * B where A and B are columns, you can have a 3rd column of type A * B that will store the result of A * B.

Here's the article with code samples:

Read full article here.

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Code samples

I found these while searching for something else but I did enjoy it.

MessageBox in Javascript
Why would you do a MsgBox() in JavaScript? Well, because it has more options than the regullar alert() ot confirm(). You can have Yes / No instead of the default Ok / Cancel options on confirmation... etc. Look over:

Who connects to your computer?
Wouldn't you like to know that? There are several ways, but this is a nice one and it also has code sample with it.
Read the entire article here.

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Saturday, May 06, 2006

AJAX and Screenreaders: When Can it Work?

I've been playing with AJAX for a while. Nice thing, important idea, but... when I develop I use either the old style of posting and requesting data or I use a hidden IFRAME that does the trick of posting and getting data for my screen. Why? Crossbrowsing. Simplicity. Development speed.

The following article brings a little shadow over AJAX, but it is very documented and detailed.

Interactions are just details, and perhaps what we've really been doing is projecting our own desires and preferences onto users for whom they're not really relevant.

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Attributes in VB .NET

Simple and useful information on VB Attributes. Check it out if you plan on using VB.

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