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Friday, May 06, 2005

SQL Server 2005's CLR Integration

What is CLR and what does it have to do with the SQL Server? Well, CLR = Common Language Runtime, the structure provided by Microsoft's .Net Framework, especially cross-language functionality. SQL Server 2005 will allow us, developers, to do something really cool (I think): to mess up the code and write SQL syntax among C# code or vice versa and get whatever result you need. Imagine yourself writing SQL Stored Procedures mixing the SQL syntax with C#, compiling and running the code. It is not that simple, but read the article to get a better idea.
I have no doubts this sounds cool. I have no doubt it will have an impact and will be the "new wave", same as the XML and .Net code mixture and even more, add to these some XML query tools.
Still... I cannot wonder: is it really useful? Do we need all this mixture? Are we... developers... more powerful now? Or we just have a few more possibilities to achieve same goal. Or we have just another software "version" that we have to by, because the "version" will eventually stop to be supported.,1759,1791675,00.asp


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