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Thursday, May 05, 2005

IBM Says to Cut Up to 13,000 Jobs in Restructuring

How do you take this news? Is this good news or is this bad news?
It might be good news considering that, if big companies will need to apply alternative measures to stay on the line, maybe these big companies will start to consider using offshore companies and, me, as a offshore company leader, I might feel some opportunities in this. It might also sound good because when the big ones shrink, the small ones might increase if the market needs remain the same or increase.
It might be bad news because IBM’s resources dismissal might be a result of IT industry overall tendencies and the, everyone will be affected.
On the other hand, IBM, as other major IT companies jumped into buying several other companies in order to cover specific areas or add value to their products. This might lead to a justified restructure operation considering that not all bought is according or can be converted to company standards or considering that not all bought might have the value expected or considering that not all existing resources have the quality of the new integrated resources, etc…,1759,1812873,00.asp?kc=EWRSS03129TX1K0000609


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