IT Readings Log   

Monday, March 20, 2006

Comparing Google, Microsoft to Netscape, IBM and Predicting Legal 'Piracy'

Though article but correct message. I will paste some quotes in here to get you excited about it.

I can picture these employees sitting back in their chairs, frustrated that they
can't fire their executives and put competent people in those jobs. I have news
for those who think this way: You are killing your company.


Building a company, or killing it, is a team effort. Most of Google's employees
have benefited from one hell of a good idea. Now it is time to give back -- you
didn't win the lottery by being hired, you need to work to ensure your future
because, if you don't, you'll be wondering where your next paycheck will be
coming from. Like the Netscape folks, you'll soon be talking about what might
have been.


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