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Monday, December 19, 2005

"New" Linux: Ubuntu

I've been reading all over the place about Ubuntu. Why?
Simple: because it is easy to install and easy to use and has all kind of applications and neat features that come as part of the distribution, but that is not what makes a difference.

It is important for a Linux distribution to have all the described above, it is actually very important if it targets the masses: every users' home. But what makes a difference is when, right after the successful install, you get a popup that starts to download latest updates available for your version. Now that is cool!

Not only that you get it installed with no pain (and benefit of so many free, already installed applications as Open Office or some free Project Planner), but you get updates without being a Linux guru.

Good job.

Official website :

Ubuntu: Is the new Linux distro for you?

A critical look at Ubuntu or: What companies could learn about PR from open source

P.S. I also liked Mephis a lot... promising, not that easy to install though.


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